Our Foundry Services

Our Foundry Services

Custom Castings

At Gil’s Foundry & Manufacturing, we specialize in casting high-quality aluminum, bronze/brass, and copper components directly at our …
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Precision Cores

Our foundry offers a comprehensive range of core options, including shell cores, no-bake cores, and CO2 cores. Using advanced in-house …
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High-Tolerance Molds

We provide a variety of mold types, including green sand, no-bake, and shell molds, all designed to deliver superior surface finishes and …
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Foundry Supplies

As a trusted regional provider, we offer a wide range of foundry supplies, including ingots, sand, jackets, bottom boards, and bronze …
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The Importance of Quality

Ensuring quality in every aluminum and bronze casting is at the heart of our work. This blog explores why meticulous craftsmanship is crucial and how it impacts the final product, offering insights into our commitment to excellence in every project. Dive deeper into our commitment to quality.